Dan Anderberg
Professor and Head of Department of Economics Royal Holloway University of London
Department of Economics
Royal Holloway University of London
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX
United Kingdom
Email: Dan.Anderberg@rhul.ac.uk
I am an empirical microeconomist with research interests that lie at the intersection of economics and public policy, and with a strong focus on family behaviour and outcomes. Recent topics that I have worked on include marriage choices, intimate partner violence, social care for children, and child development.
I am also affiliated with the Institute for Fiscal Studies in London and with CESifo in Munich.

Latest Publication
The Dynamics of Domestic Violence: Learning About the Match
This project estimates a dynamic lifecycle model where women meet and partner with men with unknown propensities for being abusive. While learning about the partner's nature, women make decisions about fertility, labour supply, and potential separation.
With Noemi Mantovan and Robert Sauer
The Economic Journal, 2023, Vol. 133, Issue 656

Family Economics (EC3341)
My main teaching is a course in Family Economics. In this course, we cover a range of topics from classic analysis marriage market equilibria and fertility choices, through to current research on intimate partner violence, the role of social norms, and the interaction between the welfare state and family formation and behaviour.
Dan Anderberg
Department of Economics
Royal Holloway University of London
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX
United Kingdom